COVID: Top 10 current conspiracy theories

The US military imported COVID into China

COVID: Top 10 current conspiracy theories

In response to the anti-China conspiracy theories, the Chinese government developed a counter-conspiracy theory that aims to place the responsibility on the United States. It’s probable that the US military introduced the virus to Wuhan, according to Zhao Lijian, a spokeswoman for the Chinese foreign ministry, who tweeted this. These remarks “echoed a suspected conspiracy, widely circulated in China, that US military troops had introduced the virus to China during their participation in the 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan last October,” according to Voice of America news. This conspiracy hypothesis, along with an attempt to rebrand COVID the “USA virus,” was for China, according to The Atlantic, a blatant “geopolitical tactic” that was effective for home propaganda but not generally accepted outside.

GMOs are somehow to blame

COVID: Top 10 current conspiracy theories

Since genetically modified crops have long been the focus of conspiracy theories, it came as no surprise when they were implicated in the COVID pandemic’s early stages. Francesco Billota, an Italian lawyer, wrote a weird piece for Il Manifesto in early March in which he incorrectly claimed that GM crops lead to genetic pollution that, as a result of the consequent environmental “imbalance,” encourages the spread of viruses. Strangely, anti-GMO activists have also attempted to place the blame on modern agriculture, despite the fact that the virus’s recognized entry point into the human population—as with those of Ebola, HIV, and many others—was through the long-standing custom of hunting and killing wild animals.

Ironically, any vaccination solution will very definitely include GMOs. The only pretty much sure way the world can escape the COVID issue would be if any of the 70 active vaccination projects succeed (which is a huge if). GM attenuated viruses or antigens produced in GM insect cell lines or plants might serve as the basis for vaccines. Maybe GMOs won’t be seen as a filthy term if they really manage to free the planet from the COVID curse.

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