10 Amazing First Class Airline Seats That Are Better Than A Hotel Room

10 Amazing First Class Airline Seats That Are Better Than A Hotel Room

High in the top ten list were airlines from Australia, Singapore, Chile, England, and the Middle East.

In the poll, domestic airlines performed poorly. Continental Airlines, the greatest of them, came in at number 16 and Alaska Airlines at number 21. Delta and American Airlines almost missed the top 30.

U.S. Airways came in at 41 and United at a pathetic 35.

10 – Thai Airways

10 Amazing First Class Airline Seats That Are Better Than A Hotel Room

The electronic-controlled sleeping chair has a 180-degree recline and nearly seven feet of room to spread out.

Upon boarding, customers traveling in Royal First Class are greeted with glasses of Dom Perignon, Bollinger, or a suitable vintage Champagne.

To enhance the experience of discerning tourists, meals are artistically arranged and served on beautiful china with the finest table linen and crystal glasses.

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