45 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Blog: How to Start a Blog for Free in 2022

2. Increase your ranks by building links

Because link building is really just an extension of SEO, I placed it immediately after SEO. One of the most powerful factors used by Google to determine a site’s rating is the number of backlinks to it.

Though laborious, it’s not always challenging or intricate. All it takes is some networking, solid relationships, and directing your material toward those who can offer links.

Here is a brief introduction to link building:

You must first have good content.

No one will link to junk, regardless of whether you have been blogging for a while or are just getting started.

Instead of prioritizing keywords, Brian Dean advises writing content tailored for the audience from which you want links. I’ve had success with it.

Reach out to anybody you linked to in your article after you have good content. Due to their interest in it, these individuals are most likely to share and link to it.

(Hint: The more attractive you make individuals appear, the more likely it is that they will link to you.)

Here is an example of an email I wrote to the more than 30 people who contributed to my most recent blog post:

45 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Blog: How to Start a Blog for Free in 2022

You can utilize an email outreach service like MailShake to automate this procedure.

However, this isn’t the sole method of obtaining backlinks.

There are a ton of other backlink-building strategies you may utilize, including gaining links from roundup writers, broken link building, and resource page link building, to mention a few.

45 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Blog: How to Start a Blog for Free in 2022

3. Put quality before quantity (underrated by most people learning how to start a blog for free)

This is a lesson I’ve acquired from studying SEO and general blog-building techniques. When it comes to blog posts, quality always prevails over number.

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It is not necessary to push out posts every day or even every week.

When done correctly, once a month is sufficient. You now have the entire month to dedicate to promotion.

Websites with new content used to receive some credit from Google.

Then websites began abusing that, publishing a dozen subpar pieces daily. It worked for a short while before Google started banning things. These sites are no longer present.

Furthermore, would you rather have two very outstanding blog posts or ten passable ones? The two excellent ones are what I prefer. Particularly because they give internal links—which I’ll discuss next—more value by increasing their authority as they get backlinks.

45 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Blog: How to Start a Blog for Free in 2022

4. Use internal linking to help Google (and people) navigate your site

Internal links are very crucial when you first launch a blog. They are only links leading from one page of your website to another. (Where external linking refers to a link from one of your website’s pages to another website’s page.)

Internal linking is crucial for SEO, but it’s also crucial to make it easier for users to navigate your blog. It’s a terrific method to encourage new readers to read older material as well.

Additionally, any internal links from that page to your other sites increases those pages’ rankings when you learn how to start a blog and have a post that ranks highly in search engines and gets lots of backlinks.

Here’s a diagram to demonstrate that:

45 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Blog: How to Start a Blog for Free in 2022

5. Guest blog for more traffic, better SEO, and brand awareness

A technique for increasing traffic and backlinks to your website is guest posting. In essence, you’re taking (borrowing?) the audience from a reputable blog.

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This is certainly something you’ve seen or heard before. It operates as follows:

Find a blog that you’d like to write for first. You probably already have several in mind if you’ve been blogging for a long. Find the people who are at the top of their fields in your or a closely similar field.

I’m a content marketer, for instance. I therefore read blogs about content marketing, including those from organizations like Content Marketing Institute, which has over 100,000 email subscribers and a domain authority (DA) of 85.

(Note: Domain authority ranks websites from 1 to 100 based on their authority. It depends on their age, link profile, and a host of other variables. Higher is preferable as it will improve your SEO more.)

In order to spread the word about my brand, I wanted to post something on their blog. It’s almost like a badge of pride, and since it’s so well-known in my profession, going there would help me attract clients.

I contacted my network to check if anyone had a connection with an editor there in order to achieve that. As it happens, they did!

We’ll actually cover formatting later in this article when we discuss how to add fresh engaging blog posts. Yet for now…

What happens if you launch a blog without a network? What happens if you’re just getting started?

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