Calvin Klein
In 1968, Calvin Klein opened its doors in New York City. You might be shocked to learn that the majority of their leather originates from Italy while the majority of their other common materials, naturally, come from China. This is despite the fact that the American brand is prominently displayed across all advertising media.
The most popular digital music and podcast streaming service in the world is Spotify, which is seen as Apple Music’s major rival. However, Tencent Music Entertainment group, a Chinese corporation, currently controls a portion of Spotify following a share exchange in 2013.
Hush Puppies Shoes
Hush Puppies, a Michigan-based firm founded in 1957 by Wolverine Worldwide, has long been known for its distinctive shoes that are renowned for their great comfort. But times have changed, and China is now the place to produce these shoes for considerably less money. Thankfully, the company’s reputation for excellence still exists.
Huffy Bikes
Huffy Bikes, which was established in 1887, was the first company to create a child’s bike with detachable training wheels. Sadly, two of its American facilities shut down as production prices increased, shifting operations to China. Taiwan and Mexico both have factories. One of these three locations provides over three-quarters of their bicycle parts.
If you didn’t know, one of the two motorcycle manufacturers to make it through the Great Depression was Harley-Davidson. Harley-Davidson, however, was unable to continue full manufacture in the US because of higher local expenses. The corporation shifted a large portion of the manufacture of its electrical components to China in 2018. Nevertheless, they continue to operate factories in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Missouri.