Top 10 Most Popular Anime of All Time

Top 10 Most Popular Anime of All Time

6. Detective Conan

Episodes: Over 900 and counting

Seasons: 27 and counting

Everything about Detective Conan will keep you intrigued. It features heartwarming romance, amusing moments, conflict, and intriguing secrets. Give it a chance if you enjoy well-planned mysteries with challenging puzzles to solve. The authors undoubtedly put a lot of work into their writing!

The protagonist of the novel is Shinichi Kudou, who possesses the amazing talent of being able to crack even the trickiest cases. Given that he is only 17 years old, this is remarkable. His life is changed by one night. The teenage detective sees two unsettling males at an amusement park that evening. He is given an experimental medicine once they observe him. He makes it out alive, but his body has shrunk to the size of a young child of seven! Shinichi looks into the unusual organization that has drastically altered his physique while concealing his true identity.

Top 10 Most Popular Anime of All Time

5. Death Note

Episodes: 37

Seasons: 1

Try Death Note if you want to watch a really original and engaging narrative. This anime is undoubtedly among the greatest and most well-liked ones available. It keeps the audience guessing and in suspense. You’ll be compelled to consider what you might have done if you had been one of the characters.

Imagine being able to murder someone by merely visualizing them in your head and noting their names in a dedicated notepad. Is this not insane? Light Yagami, a high school student who discovers a Death Note, may be able to, though. A death deity intentionally threw this particular notepad into the realm of humans out of boredom. After becoming aware of this power, Light intends to use it to put as many criminals out of the world as he can. Police learn about the strange serial deaths, though, and they’re determined to find the killer with the aid of a quirky rookie detective.

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