The Top 10 Deadliest Diseases

9. Tuberculosis

The Top 10 Deadliest Diseases

The bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis is what causes the lung disease known as tuberculosis (TB). Even though some strains are resistant to common medications, it is a curable airborne bacteria. One of the leading causes of mortality among HIV-positive individuals is TB. TB is to blame for about 35%Trusted Source of HIV-related fatalities.

Impact of TB around the world

Since 2000, there have been a total of 1.5 percent fewer cases of TB. By 2030, TB should be eradicated.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for tuberculosis include:

  • diabetes
  • HIV infection
  • a lower body weight
  • proximity to others with TB
  • frequent consumption of immunosuppressive medicines, such as corticosteroids,

Getting the BCG vaccination is the greatest way to prevent tuberculosis (TB). Children frequently receive this. You can begin using a drug for treating TB called chemoprophylaxis if you believe you have been exposed to the disease-causing germs.

10. Cirrhosis

The Top 10 Deadliest Diseases

The liver has been damaged and scarred over a lengthy period of time, leading to cirrhosis. The harm might be the outcome of a renal disorder or could be brought on by hepatitis and prolonged drinking, among other things. Healthy blood enters your body after your liver has removed any hazardous elements from your blood. Scar tissue develops as drugs harm the liver. The liver must work harder to function correctly as more scar tissue accumulates. The liver could eventually quit functioning.

Risk factors and prevention

Risk factors for cirrhosis include:

  • chronic alcohol use
  • fat accumulation around the liver (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)
  • chronic viral hepatitis

Avoid engaging in activities that might harm your liver to help stave against cirrhosis. Avoiding alcohol can help you avoid harm because it is one of the main causes of cirrhosis over a long period of time. Similarly, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can be prevented by consuming a balanced diet low in fat and sugar and high in fruits and vegetables. Last but not least, you may lessen your chance of getting viral hepatitis by using protection during sex and by not sharing anything that might have been in contact with blood. This includes toothbrushes, razors, and other items.

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The takeaway

Mortality from less serious disorders have dropped while deaths from other diseases have climbed. The prevalence of disorders including CAD, stroke, and heart disease naturally rises as a result of several variables, such as an extended life duration. However, a lot of the illnesses on this list are both curable and preventive. We could observe a decline in the mortality rates from these diseases as medicine develops more and preventative awareness rises.

Living a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and excellent eating is a great way to reduce your chances of developing any of these disorders. Moderate drinking and no smoking are also beneficial. Maintaining adequate hand hygiene can help prevent or lower your risk of bacterial or viral diseases.

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