Facebook Account Hacked: How To Recover Facebook Account?

Facebook Account Hacked: How To Recover Facebook Account?

Hopefully, the day will never come when you discover that someone else has seized control of your Facebook account. It is a terrible feeling, and I am sorry for the enormous suffering you will have to through in terms of time and maybe financial loss in order to take back control of your account.

I’ll walk you through the healing process. After that, I’ll give you some proactive security advice you can use to either stop this horrible incident from happening altogether or at the very least lower the likelihood that it will.


Actually, there are three alternative possibilities that may occur.

Scenario 1. You “loaned” your computer or phone’s Facebook account to a family member or friend. They then go on to consume information, publish messages under your name, or become friends with strangers. A friend of mine who had a grandson spend a week at her house experienced this. On my friend’s Facebook page, the girl left behind a mess when she left town. “She didn’t post anything to my account, but I had to clear off some strange friend requests. I made the decision to stop using my account. Although it’s not really a hack, this is nonetheless frustrating.

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