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Your 2022 horoscope

Your 2022 horoscope

It’s finally time for your 2022 horoscope, and let’s start by wishing you a warm welcome to the year of light-speed transformation! If you thought 2021 passed quickly, just wait till you go through 2022. The huge changes motif from the previous year continues into this one. The Saturn-Uranus square that profoundly altered our lives does not occur again, but the Nodes of Destiny going into Taurus and Scorpio do activate it. The cosmos will compel us to fulfill our aspirations in order to keep up with the difficulties of a new period since life will be drastically accelerated.

Relationships will be another topic for the next year (you might also want to look at your love horoscope for 2022). The year begins with a retrograde Venus (which turns direct on January 29) and ends with a retrograde Mars (October 30 to January 12). We might anticipate a greater sense of connection returning to our lives as a result of the cosmic lovers’ desire that we polish our closest ties.

The themes from the previous year are reflected in the Mercury retrogrades in 2022. They will force us to shift our perspective and fully engage in introspection from January 14 to February 3, May 10 to June 3, and September 9 to October 2, when they occur in intellectual air signs. Pay notice to any recurring motifs from the past that surface for you during these significant 2022 astrological events.

Find out what to anticipate for your zodiac sign in 2022…


Aries, your inner life is going to become significantly richer. You are beginning a new cycle of growth as Jupiter, the guru planet, alternates throughout the year between your first house of ego and your twelfth house of spirituality. Even while it could seem like you’re in suspended animation when you’re in that liminal state between the present and the future, you might start to become curious about some of life’s bigger mysteries. Don’t be afraid to investigate subjects that pique your interest since it will strengthen your feeling of spirituality. Finally, think about volunteering. Because today, you will receive more if you contribute more!


What a memorable year you have ahead of you, Taurus. As the eclipses in your sign (solar April 30, lunar November 8) link you with a greater sense of significance in 2022, you’re ready to encounter your own destiny. You should be at ease in your own skin since everyone will be trying to be more like you in some ways. This year, the more connections you make with others, the more you will grow. This is especially true given that Jupiter is aligned with Neptune on April 12 and forms sextiles to both Uranus and Pluto (February 17, May 3).


Up until April 14, Black Moon Lilith’s transit through your sign has been helping you connect with a greater feeling of power. Consult astrology, tarot, and any other esoteric disciplines that ignite your inner fire to make the most of this holy feminine energy. Three times this year, on January 14, May 10, and September 9, your ruler, Mercury, will go retrograde, urging you to delve deeper into your motivations. Use these moments to take a break from life and organize a trip to a beach resort as your life will be moving by very quickly for you.


You’re about to start an amazing year! You enjoy the Pisces vibe, and this year, thanks to the constellation of planets in this aquatic sign, your life may be a dream. This will be particularly true on April 12, when a rare Jupiter-Neptune alignment may pique your curiosity about discovering something new. The cosmos will be urging you to accept change when your planetary ruler, the Moon, awakens electric Uranus during this year’s eclipses on April 30, May 15, October 25, and November 8. You will be letting greater creativity into your life by doing this.


Leo, this year’s emphasis asks that you let go of your old self in order for a new version of you to emerge, therefore metamorphosis is the word of the game for you. Career-wise, it will be a busy year that could occasionally feel overwhelming. Rely on your faith when life becomes stressful because here is where you will discover a feeling of stability and joy. Your planetary ruler, the Sun, will be affected by the eclipses this year on April 30, May 15, October 25, and November 8; at these times, the universe will challenge you to adapt and make significant adjustments in your life. You can do this!


Prepare for a significant tune-up, Virgo. The adventurous spirit of the upcoming year will not only alter your perspective on life, but it will also challenge you to broaden your horizons like never before. Your ninth house of philosophy will be stimulated by electric Uranus and the Nodes of Destiny, which will increase your need for information, experience, and culture. This can entail enrolling in school, taking a lengthy journey, or engaging with a lot of fascinating individuals. And while though stepping outside of your comfort zone might be intimidating at times, you can get significant inspiration downloads when you do!


You probably encountered a few shocks in 2021, and when Uranus’ unpredictable influence activates your eighth house of transition in 2022, this trend will intensify. While the unplanned knocks on your door, keep your mind that as one door closes, another will open. Lucky Jupiter in your seventh house will watch out for you by bringing the right assistance your way in the shape of love and professional connections. In the end, Libra, this year is all about realizing what it means to control your power. Therefore, have faith that the universe has your back rather than allowing the unexpected get to you.


What an exciting moment to be a Scorpio! In 2021, you underwent a lot of change, and in 2022, life will be much more exciting. A entirely other version of yourself begins to emerge from beneath the surface as Saturn, Uranus, and the Nodes of Destiny work together to bring electricity to significant regions of your chart. Good thing you’re a pro at reinventing yourself! Pay attention to the synchronicities that will be all around you as you shed your old skin because they will be guiding you in the correct way. When you let go of what is no longer helpful to you, new relationships (both romantic and professional), joy, creativity, and inspiration find you in the upcoming year.


Sagittarius, you’re about to enter one of your greatest years ever! Jupiter, your planetary ruler, is solidly placed in Pisces, giving you all the cosmic support you need to bring about a significant event. But no matter what your greatest aspirations are, having a target in mind is essential to making them a reality. This is particularly true around mid-April, when your tendency to overdo things might cause you to get disoriented. Growth, inspiration, and love are all within reach in 2022. If you can maintain your composure, stay organized, and keep your sights fixed on the goal, you can have it all.


Capricorn, are you prepared to confront your own destiny? Due to the opposition between your planetary ruler Saturn and the Nodes of Destiny, the upcoming year will have a special taste for you. This is a time-traveling and karmic influence that will cause you to cross paths with individuals, locations, and chances that will facilitate your journey. This is especially true around May 3, when Jupiter forms a sextile to Pluto in your sign, giving you the ability to change the way you think and act. Finally, you’ll experience a lot of synchronicity this year, so be aware of the signals and open to the changes the universe is asking of you.


How in sync with your mission do you feel, Aquarius? If you’re still having trouble, don’t worry; assistance is on the way. If you’re committed to following your path, karmic and unanticipated forces will intervene to help you do so. A fresh, more aligned version of yourself is here to stay since both of your rulers, Saturn and Uranus, are in opposition to the Nodes of Destiny. Make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity by grounding and tuning into your intuition as events crescendo in the months of February, April, August, and November.


Pisces, this is your year to shine! You’re going to benefit from all the cosmic favors since both of your planetary lords, Jupiter and Neptune, are converging in your sign at this time. Venus also travels through your sign from April 6 to May 2, which coincides with a significant window of manifestation. Although you will grow in many different ways, your spirituality will deepen significantly. Watch for Vesta, the asteroid of devotion to the divine, to transit through your sign between May 24 and August 21 and then again between November 20 and December 31. Vesta will help you maintain your inner flame of passion as you start a new cycle on your soul’s journey.

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