Top 10 World’s Hottest Peppers

Honorable Mentions

Let’s speak about some promising new hybrid peppers. Once the legitimacy of these two spicy peppers has been established, they will be included on the list.

Dragon’s Breath 2,483,584 SHU

Recent accounts say that a Dragon’s Breath pepper is hotter than the Carolina Reaper.

According to preliminary testing, the Dragon’s Breath pepper has 2,483,584 SHU, which is far more potent than the Carolina Reaper.

The “news” websites may have reported on it as a PR ploy, even going so far as to say Dragon’s Breath may kill you. Technically, you may also die from a pencil.

Pepper X

Another pepper, called Pepper X, has emerged with the promise to be TWICE as hot as the Carolina Reaper. However, this claim may be more credible. Since the developer has kept it a secret, very little is known about Pepper X.

Top 10 World's Hottest Peppers

Before adding Pepper X to our Top 10, we must first determine whether he is real.

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