Top 10 tips on how to study smarter, not longer

Top 10 tips on how to study smarter, not longer

4. Test yourself

This 2010 study supports Nebel’s preferred method of studying. Her mother tested her on the subject before significant exams. She says, “Now I know that was retrieval practice. It’s among the most effective methods to learn. Nebel began to question herself as she grew older. She may, for instance, conceal the definitions in her notepad. She then made an effort to remember what each phrase meant.

In a research published in Learning & Instruction in August 2020, Rawson and colleagues demonstrated that such retrieval exercise can benefit almost everyone.

College students with the attention disorder known as ADHD were included in this study. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is what it stands for. Overall, retrieval was beneficial to both individuals with and without ADHD.

Make a deck of flash cards whenever you learn something new, advises Sana. Put the responses on the other side after the questions. She claims that friends may even quiz one another over the phone.

Nebel continues, “Try to test yourself the way the teacher does.”

But she advises you to thoroughly question your friends and yourself. And here is why. She was a member of a group that required pupils to create one quiz question for each session of class. The next step was for students to respond to a classmate’s question. According to preliminary statistics, pupils performed worse on tests than they did when the teacher provided the daily quiz questions. The data are still being examined by Nebel’s team. She thinks the pupils’ inquiries might have been overly straightforward.

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She observes that teachers frequently go further. They do not only request definitions. Teachers frequently urge their pupils to contrast and compare topics. That requires some analytical thought.

5. Mistakes are okay — as long as you learn from them

You must evaluate your memories. However, it actually doesn’t matter how long you spend on each attempt. A 2016 investigation by Kornell and colleagues yielded that result. The following step, though, is crucial, says Kornell: Verify that you were correct. Then, concentrate on what went wrong.

You’re sort of wasting your time if you don’t figure out the solution, he claims. On the other hand, verifying the answers might help you make better use of your study time. Then you may concentrate on the areas in which you most need assistance.

In fact, Stuart Firestein contends that making errors may be beneficial. He really wrote the book on it; he is a scientist at Columbia University in New York City. It is titled Why Science is So Successful Despite Failure. He contends that learning actually relies heavily on making mistakes.

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