Top 10 Health Benefits of Flax Seeds

Top 10 Health Benefits of Flax Seeds

3. Flax Seeds Are a Rich Source of Lignans, Which May Reduce Cancer Risk

Plant substances called lignans contain both antioxidant and estrogenic characteristics that can help reduce the risk of cancer and enhance health.

Interestingly, lignans are found in flax seeds up to 800 times more than in other plant diets.

Flax seed eaters, especially postmenopausal women, had a decreased risk of breast cancer, according to observational research.

Additionally, consuming flax seeds is associated with an 18% lower risk of breast cancer, according to a Canadian research involving more than 6,000 women.

But consuming flax seeds can also be advantageous for guys.

In a short research with 15 men, those who consumed 30 grams of flax seeds daily while adhering to a low-fat diet had lower levels of a prostate cancer marker, indicating a decreased chance of developing the disease.

In lab and animal experiments, flax seeds also showed promise in preventing skin and colon cancer. However, further study is required to substantiate this.

Nevertheless, the research to date suggests that flax seeds may be a useful meal in the struggle against several malignancies.


Lignans are a class of minerals found in flax seeds that have potent estrogenic and antioxidant activities. They might aid in the prevention of various cancers as well as breast and prostate cancer.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Flax Seeds

4. Flax Seeds Are Rich in Dietary Fiber

Three grams of fiber, or 8–12% of the daily recommended consumption for men and women, are present in just one tablespoon of flax seeds.

Additionally, flax seeds contain both soluble (20–40%) and insoluble (60–80%) dietary fiber.

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This fiber pair thickens stools and promotes more regular bowel motions by being fermented by microorganisms in the big intestine.

On the one hand, soluble fiber slows down digestion and makes the contents of your intestines more consistent. This has been demonstrated to decrease cholesterol and assist control blood sugar.

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, causes softer stools by allowing more water to bind to the stools and by increasing their volume. This is beneficial for those with diverticular disease or irritable bowel syndrome as well as for avoiding constipation.


Adding flax seeds to your diet encourages regular bowel movements and can enhance your digestive health since they contain so much fiber in each little seed.

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