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The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Mercury Retrograde in 2022

The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Mercury Retrograde in 2022

Do you frequently make the incorrect statement at the worst possible time? The stars provide an explanation: Mercury retrograde is the name of the celestial occurrence that will affect us four (four!) times in 2022.

On Friday, January 14, the first Mercury retrograde of 2022 starts in Aquarius. Then, on January 25th, the planet enters Capricorn. We may anticipate irritating miscommunications, technology failures, and travel accidents as Mercury quickly travels backward. Although the actual start of the first Mercury retrograde of the year isn’t until Friday, January 14, its shadow phase started on December 29, 2021. We started to experience the impacts of retrograde at this period, albeit they were not as strong as when things were in full swing.

Venus is also remains retrograde at this moment, having done so since Sunday, December 19. Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, and wealth. When the planet of love goes retrograde, relationships can be more challenging to manage. It is not a good idea to have important relationship discussions at this time because Mercury will be retrograde for a large portion of it. Venus governs money, so this might not be the best time to conduct crucial business meetings or gather old bills. On Saturday, January 29, the lover planet becomes straight, which is fortunate. On Thursday, February 3, the first Mercury retrograde also comes to a conclusion. If you can, wait until Mercury and Venus have finished their backward dance before having any potentially delicate talks about money, sex, or love.

On this day, communication will be simpler, but the shadow period—yes, there is one on both ends—will last until February 23. During the shadow time, it should be OK to sign significant papers once again, but make sure to carefully review the small print. There are three other Mercury retrogrades in 2022 that you should write down on your calendar in addition to this one, so you’ll need to be aware of them in order to make the most of them.

OK, so what exactly is Mercury retrograde?

The fast-moving planet Mercury, so named for the Roman deity who functioned as a messenger to the gods, is in charge of regulating technology, travel, and communication. By regulating both what we say and how we interpret what others say, it aids in the transmission of signals. Every year, Mercury appears to move backward in the sky three or four times. Although other planets also move retrograde, this one has the capacity to muck with everything connected to transmission and communication. Despite any jolts, Mercury’s slumber provides us a chance to catch our breath.

This time span allows three chances to ensure that our efforts and decisions are correct and is the planetary embodiment of the adage “measure twice, cut once.” The first happens when Mercury first crosses a celestial degree during the pre-retrograde shadow phase. Mistakes may be evaluated and repaired during the second, which occurs when Mercury is retrograde and reverses back over this degree. When Mercury completes its final transit over the degree, during what is referred to as a post-retrograde shadow, we have one more opportunity to make progress. In general, Mercury retrograde has effects that begin to manifest approximately two weeks before the planet starts to appear to travel backward from the earth and last for up to two weeks after it stops.

It’s critical to use words with considerable caution when Mercury is retrograde. Verify each text, email, and DM three times, and spend some time clearly stating your goals. There will inevitably be typos and Freudian slips. Avoid signing any significant contracts at this time since your decision-making abilities may be clouded (although, if you must, be sure to thoroughly read the fine print). It’s best to hold off on purchasing any new equipment for the next three weeks since Mercury retrograde might be at fault for any severe electrical meltdowns (or if you do, make sure they come with a warranty). And if you’re planning on traveling, include extra time for mishaps, cancellations, and delays.

Last but not least, it’s common for people from the past to reappear during Mercury retrograde, including ex-lovers. In many situations, it’s smart to politely refuse impromptu coffee invitations and “innocent” suggestions to go out for drinks.

What are the dates for Mercury retrograde in 2022?

There are four Mercury retrograde cycles in 2022. They are:

January 14 to February 3: The pre-retrograde shadow begins December 29, 2021, post-retrograde shadow ends February 23.

May 10 to June 3: The pre-retrograde shadow begins April 25, post-retrograde shadow ends June 18.

September 9 to October 2: The pre-retrograde shadow begins August 22, post-retrograde shadow ends October 16.

December 29 to January 18, 2023: The pre-retrograde shadow begins December 12, post-retrograde shadow ends February 23, 2023.

How can I survive Mercury retrograde? 

Simple steps can help you get through Mercury retrograde: double-check everything, use precise language, avoid signing contracts (or study them very carefully), back up your data, and prepare for unexpected travel delays. The reality is that Mercury retrograde isn’t all terrible, cosmic warrior; in fact, it might work as your yearly self-evaluation. How well-equipped are you for annoyances? How effective is your self-care regimen when things go wrong? Mercury retrograde is the best period for introspection, but it’s not the best time to make significant changes.

The need of keeping up with letters, particularly with close friends and family, is a major subject surrounding the first Mercury retrograde of the year, which begins on Friday, January 14. This retrograde is motivated by the special energy of Aquarius. This compassionate sign, which inventive Uranus controls, may also be distant and forgetful when it comes to texts and phone calls. We are more prone to zone out, miss a crucial email deadline, or leave a lover hanging as the communication globe moves backward. Mercury, though, is content when in this sign. We can take a step back and maintain our composure amid any communication hiccups because to Aquarius’ rational and intelligent air sign characteristics. On Tuesday, January 25, when Mercury retrograde enters the diligent Capricorn sign, which is controlled by the rigorous Saturn, it is your responsibility to stay on top of business correspondence. If a business-related document needs to be signed at this period, think about having a second party, such as a lawyer or trusted partner, review it as well.

Mercury retrograde this summer starts on Tuesday, May 10, under the sign of Gemini. This retrograde will be more powerful than previous because Mercury rules Gemini, especially for people with strong Gemini placements in their charts. Gemini is an amazing flirt, thus this retrograde not only portends the reappearance of ex-lovers, but we may even sext the incorrect person. Avoid letting the retrograde mental fog affect you. Breathe deeply, relax, and concentrate on the positive relationships you have right now. On Sunday, May 22, Mercury retrograde will depart sensual Gemini and enter the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus, making it easier for you to put down your phone, lean into bubble baths, and take guilt-free naps. You’ll be able to go back into bed with your present lover or favorite sex object without worrying about an ex blowing up your phone when this retrograde ends on Friday, June 3.

Mercury will start spinning retrograde in Libra on Friday, September 9. Since Libra is the sign of relationships and harmony, this is another moment when ex-lovers resurface. Keep in mind that it is not worth jeopardizing a long-term healthy relationship, a potential crush, or even a strong vibrator for the sake of a momentary surge of adrenaline from sexting with someone you shouldn’t. Mercury retrograde enters practical Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury, on Friday, September 23, leaving the fixed sign of Libra and intensifying the second part of this retrograde. At its best, Virgo energy is meticulous and creative, but when its governing planet, the earth, is in retrograde, this may deteriorate into worry and racing thoughts. When the globe turns direct on Sunday, October 2, you will be able to breathe freely, so make sure to check in with your therapist.

On December 29, in aspirational Capricorn, the fourth and last Mercury retrograde of 2022 begins. While Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by the strict Saturn, is renowned for its professionalism, it also has a dark side. If Mercury retrograde interferes with your party preparations as the year comes to a close and the New Year’s celebrations grow closer, you can become irritated. Your year should still come to a successful conclusion if you can remain adaptable and show your loved ones affection freely. On Wednesday, January 18, 2023, Mercury enters Capricorn, and we’ll keep you posted on the implications for the next year.

We depend heavily on communication in our everyday life, therefore when the messenger planet travels backwards, difficulties are to be expected. Retrogrades can be frustrating and lead to some problems, but it’s vital to remember that they’re not the end of the world. Mercury, which moves quickly, retrogrades three or four times a year, so you have already experienced it several times and will this year as well.

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