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Mercury Retrograde 2023 and What To Expect

Mercury Retrograde 2023 and What To Expect

Much of 2023 may be forecast since astrology derives meaning from the cosmic cycle. The moon will go through its phases, the sun will go through all 12 zodiac signs, from Aries to Pisces, and Mercury will turn retrograde once again.

Mercury will retrograde four times in 2023. Technology failures, communication outages, and travel disasters are all common effects of this planetary transit.

Continue reading for an explanation of what to anticipate from Mercury retrograde as well as a calendar of the times in 2023.

Remind me: What is Mercury retrograde?

The term retrograde is derived from the Latin retrogradus, which means “backward stride.” Planets seem to travel “backwards” while they are in retrograde.

However, because this is an optical illusion, we say seem. Merucry typically orbits the sun faster than the Earth, requiring 88 days as opposed to 365 days for one orbit.

Mercury slows slower while it is in retrograde motion. Mercury also seems to be traveling backwards when the blue planet passes it. Actually, Earth is just moving more quickly than normal.

What happens during Mercury retrograde?

Retrogrades are said to slow down or diminish the areas that each planet rules in astrology. Mercury is the planet of communication and travel, making those areas prone to accidents. We’re discussing outbursts, rumors, computer files that weren’t saved, messages that were sent to the incorrect person, lost baggage, delayed flights, and more.

When will Mercury be retrograde in 2023?

Here’s how to prepare for Mercury retrogrades of 2023

Here are some advice from astrologers.

What is Mercury Retroshade?

Consider it as the period before and after Mercury’s retrograde. When Mercury slows down and the first retrograde symptoms appear, we are in the pre-retrograde zone. Since this is our third encounter with the issue during Mercury retrograde, many facets are coming to light during the post-retroshade zone.

Here’s what to expect from the Mercury retrogrades of 2023

January 2023’s Mercury retrograde

The year 2023 begins with Mercury in retrograde (which began on Dec. 29). Up to the conclusion of the retrograde on January 18, it will be challenging to kickstart undertakings or get our resolutions flowing in full force.

Consider making local New Year’s Eve arrangements in light of Mercury’s retrograde motion. Give yourself some breathing room if you’re traveling so you can arrive in time. When in doubt, organize a relaxed New Year’s Eve gathering with loved ones.

Keep the gift receipts for the Christmas gifts you got in case you decide you want to swap them for something different later.

April 2023’s Mercury retrograde

The second retrograde of the year takes place in Taurus, the earth sign, from April 21 to May 14. We will be required to review our financial situation and spending patterns at this point. We are learning how to establish and manage budgets since money comes in and money goes out.

The same is true of our romantic relationships and those with our friends and family. After helping others, it could be appropriate for us to take a step back and wait to see whether they return the favor before extending ourselves further. During this planetary backspin, boundaries will need to be set.

August 2023’s Mercury retrograde

The Mercurial backspin for this summer lasts from August 23 to September 15 in Virgo. Anxieties and a longing for solitude might increase while Mercury is retrograde in Virgo.

Due to Virgo’s fluid sign and tendency to grab onto other people’s emotions, the trickster planet will make us feel as if the weight of the world is on our shoulders. We could have feelings that aren’t accurate or about ourselves. Energy spreads easily, so it’s crucial to guard your own at this time by choosing carefully who and what you want to associate with.

December 2023’s Mercury retrograde

Mercury will glid from Capricorn back into Sagittarius from December 13 to January 1, 2024. (Mercury will re-enter Sagittarius on Dec. 23).

Travel plans for the holidays may be affected by this planetary moonwalk. You can encounter unforeseen diversions as Mercury backs up into daring Sagittarius (think the classic holiday movie “Planes, Trains and Automobiles”).

Planning ahead can help you cope with this retrograde the best; allow yourself enough time to deal with traffic, aircraft delays, and missed connections. The most essential thing is to relax.

It may be difficult to set goals and aspirations for the next year, which is why it’s better to just go with the flow and follow your heart. Because you never know when something unexpected may happen, always have a bag ready.

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