Electric Skateboard Buying Guide
There are a few critical variables to consider before purchasing an electric skateboard that will affect your final selection. We’ve included a few things to think about below:
Removable Battery and Drive Train
- When riding a board, having a replaceable battery and interchangeable wheels is really helpful. For instance, a cyclist using the Revel kit may carry one or two additional batteries in their backpack, swap out a dead battery for a fresh one in under 30 seconds, and then resume riding.
- The rider may select between a larger, more flexible wheel for comfort and peak speed or a smaller, tougher wheel for quicker acceleration and responsiveness, which is another highly handy feature of wheels. This is one of the main factors influencing why some individuals favor belt or direct drive boards over hub motors like the Meepo V3. A belt drive board with Boosted 105s or Cloud wheels will absorb the bumps far better than a hub motor, which can be rather harsh on bad roads.
Regenerative Braking System
- The “brakes” of every electric skateboard now on the market are regenerative braking systems. The electric motors’ polarity is reversed during regenerative braking, which also starts to convert the board and rider’s momentum into power that can be stored in the battery. A physical brake, such as a drum or disc brake system, would be used on a board without regenerative braking to transform momentum into heat energy.
Remote Control
- The majority of modern electric skateboards include remote controls with “telemetry displays.” These panels frequently display the rider’s current board speed, board and remote battery levels, and occasionally an odometer. However, in general, we believe that a good GPS ride tracking software like “Yours Truly” (on the App Store) is more accurate. Sometimes these remotes will allow the rider parameters to alter, such wheel size, so the speed rating is more precise.
Warranty and Service
- The majority of electric skate businesses provide a six-month warranty starting from the moment you receive your board. Typically, this entails replacements or fixes for manufacturing flaws. While some businesses mail you new parts and expect you to handle repairs yourself, others have local warehouses in your nation that may offer maintenance and repairs.
Air Travel
- The majority of airlines have a 100Wh or 144Wh battery capacity restriction. Check your battery size and your airline’s lithium battery policy before travelling with your board. Whether your board battery is too large, check to see if the manufacturer also has a smaller travel battery that complies with the rules of your airline.
- Electric skateboards can be difficult to fly with since they are often too big to carry on and their batteries are too big to be examined. Only batteries that fit under acceptable size restrictions may be allowed to be transported on the plane, hence all batteries must be removed from checked luggage before checking and moved to carry on.
- Your only choice is to transport the battery separately if it is too big to go on a passenger airline.
We hope the information provided will enable you to make a more informed decision when buying an electric skateboard!